Yes I am over 18 years old.
I been playing JD for almost 2 yrs.
I played HyruleJd, CondorHero, XtremeJd. On Hyrule I played 6 month, server was shut down. Condor like 2 month, Xtreme I played for at least 6 months as well, not there much since I did not like the way the server was. I am not expecting to be picked over the other people but I do have experience as a GM and also know some Developing. I would like to be a GM to be able to help the server as much as needed at the same time help new comers, guide them in what they need and of course be there when the owner needs a helping hand.
My IGN is LordYesi, I was a GM on Hyrule, My GM name was YesieDad, as the time went by I end up helping the owner on Dev the game. The game ended up shutting down and that was it for it. I was GM for at least 4 month. You have GM to help the owner in every way needed in game, owner is not always available to help and that when the GM comes, The GM is/should be always available when needed, that why they get hired to always assist the player.
I responded as for my knowledge, and what I used to do, not in such details but what ever the outcome is Good Luck to all, and hope those who where picked do a great job towards the server.